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Gisela, 44 y.o.
Buenos Aires, Argentina [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Oh, people thinking you are from somewhere else must be funny indeed. haha I'm originally from Brazil although I was born in Portugal and moved to US a couple of years ago because of my studies. I'm getting my PhD in nano science. I used to work in Brazil for years but decided to quit everything and go back to my academic life. It's been pretty good so far.

I have been to Argentina a couple of times and liked it a lot. Hope to go back once again, someday.

So you see my life is pretty boring compared to yours, I'm sure. I bet you can tell me way better stories about the time you were living abroad, don't you? :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2013
Welp! I don't eat red meat, pork or seafood:/ Hopefully when I volunteer there I won't go hungry!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2013
Hello Gisela! What is your favorite thing about Argenina?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2013
I think you're cool :)
inactive user
inactive user
Hey Gisela, welcome to interpals. Hope you can manage to find what you are looking for, here.
How's that change from Ireland to Argentina doing? Why did you decide to go back home after so long?
inactive user
ah I didn't really get that you're actually argentine haha :) do you have skype?
inactive user
hi, how was it to move to Buenos Aires? i would really like to know more about your experience :)
btw i'fve been to dublin two months ago (?)
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