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Salem, 49 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

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Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2014
you are welcom sister, how are you doing? hope evrything going good with you inshallah
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2014
Salam mrahba bwald bladi .l3az
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2013
Thank you, I contact you just to change information and to talk like that about culture and more thing, I am not looking for wife I feel good even I wanna looking for wife I will no use Internet for that,I think if you want talk talk about your self don't put please your Muslim friend or not Muslim in our subject, and you are free to believe or don't believe god,any way thank you and keep searching and reading about Islam to have new information Ns new cutlture you have to know and to discover thing bye your self and to trust it
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2013
Bref je ne comprends la raison qui vous à fait me contactez car nous n'avons aucun points commun. Je ne recherche ni un mari, ni un prêtre quel qu’il soit encore moins un objecteur de conscience ou un propagandiste d'un dieu auquel je suis fière de ne pas croire.
Je suis fière de mon athéisme et le revendique aussi haut et fort que vous le faites de votre islamisme
Je donne à l'humanité, aux animaux, et à notre planète, mon temps, ma patience, mon amour, et mon sens des responsabilités.
Cependant je vous souhaite un excellent ramadan car je sais que pour votre communauté cette fête est importante.
Je vis au sein de la communauté musulmane et nous sommes ici au rythme du ramadan.
J'ai des amis musulmans modérés qui peuvent manger à ma table sans se sentir désobligés puisque je suis végétarienne.
Ils n'abordent jamais les sujets métaphysiques dont je me contre fous, mais nous pouvons siroter un bon jus de fruits en discothèque sans que leur dieu ne leur en tienne rigueur. Mes amies musulmanes ne portent pas de voile, à cette saison, elles portent avec dignité leur magnifique bikini à la mode, sans avoir à rougir de leur corps. Après tout si leur dieu les a faites belles, c'est pour pouvoir se rincer l’œil! ^^
Elles sont mariées et fidèles à leurs époux qui ne se préoccupent ni des ragots, ni des jaloux.
portez vous bien et bonne fête
inactive user
Baraka allaho fik wa lak inchallaj
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2012
Hello philipjalal,

Thanks for your message on my wall. I understand your point, but I must say I don't share it fully. While reading your messages, I had the personal impression that you mixed your understanding of "life/afterlife" with your opinion (thinking differently than your opinion would mean "thinking opposite").I did not use capitals in my message (because I don't need to shout out)... Except to start a sentence, and for the word "Gift".
"Gift" or "Present" are the core point of my message. Nothing related to beauty of life, nothing related to preferring earthy living to after-life. Nothing about afterlife, which no one decides about. Just the "Present" (the Gift of being now). The rest of the points I found in your wall message ("life is beautiful", or "afterlife is what we are trying to live for"), are in my perspective, in my personal view, an excuse, a way to hide away from something... And concerning people who care less about themselves than to others, I cannot emit judgement, nor towards egoists. I share although one point with you. We are educated to run after illusions, one after the other, to please, to find a place among others, to be respected maybe, or seen, admired, or forgotten, etc. Something like "when I get this, I will be happy", which turns out differently. The way a person goes through lucky moments and infortune tells more about her, than what happened in good and in bad in their life, or what they expect from life. I am blessed, you are blessed, and this is the first and last point. Blessed with the full potential of being alive, that is, gifted with a "now".
I don't really know if it will make sense to you, or if I managed to carry out the idea I wanted to("Now= the utmost Gift"). But if I don't try to explain, how can I get my thought understood? There is always a second option to get understood, though, the most powerful ever: time and life can show more clearly things than words, sometimes. In all cases, have a nice time :) Z
Reply - Conversation - Jul 30, 2012
In advance, sorry to intervene, but life is a very serious matter for me.
Life is short. It is the "present", it is the"gift" we are given. Not everybody, and not everything is given the life and "conditions of living" we have. Life being a sacred Gift, it is (somehow), holy, and to care for, to take care of. What is after? After is what was before life. Many theories, but the truth is that what is before and what is after your own life, nobody is humanly able to tell it, if we speak on spiritual plane. Bless every moment, good and bad, because it is the "Gift", even in moments it does not please you. You can complain, or make it better. It takes the same amount of energy to complain and to work for making things better for everybody, to be compassionate, and to help. When my Gift of life will be taken, it will be taken, I will have had the bless to live a wonderful life, not to have come through "an illusion, while waiting for afterlife". Thanks for reading, and really sorry, I just cannot let people say that life is not as important as "afterlife". All depends what in your heart and in your mind is important in life. Getting more, or giving more (as you received already plenty).
inactive user
La ilahe illAllah Muhammeden resulAllah.

You are right.
We should to think like we will die tomorrow, we should work like we never die.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2012
c'est quoi la vie? the life is very short, so why we love it a lot , we should to think about other life i mean whene we die,?
lorsque en va mourire ?
il faut bien travailler pour l,autre vie inshallah
bon courage
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2012
il fait beau, la vie et tres belle,,,, il faut etre croyance la ila ila allah mohamad rassoulo allah
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