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Cola, 29 y.o.
Douliu, Taiwan [Current City]


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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 2 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 106.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2020
inactive user
awesome. yeh, swimming is more like a pastime.
actually, i dont know if i would like swimming classes in school.
i dont like to swim too often because it makes me tired being in the water for long. but during the summer, i go swim at my cousins across the street from me. i went yesterday, and was so tired after swimming. i dont know, sometimes i can just do without the water even though it does feel good in this heat wave that we are having.

the weather has been scorching hot over here. enough to the point where its miserable to be outside.

so you took finals. are you on a break now? for how long?
inactive user
oh, how did your finals go?

you have to learn to swim in order to graduate? wow. most kids already know how to swim by the time they are in elementary school.
im not sure, hurricanes might be stronger than typhoons. i should look that up.
but sometimes, school remains closed because of damage to school or because many people dont have a way to get to school in emergency situations such as hurricane.
inactive user
you take swimming classes at your school?
we didnt have swimming.
swimming in the rain sounds fun. i have done so only a couple of times.

typhoons? oh we dont have typhoons here, but it is known as hurricanes.
Louisiana is always hit with hurricanes.
its hurricane season now, and we have been getting a lot of bad weather coming from the south, so we may be hit with one this year.
the last big one i remember was in fall of 2008. it was my senior year of high school, and we missed about a week of school. electricity was out for a week, but many others didnt have it for about 2.5 weeks.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2012
i saw at the news that taiwan will have typhoon. how wan you go to school if have typhoon..
so sad.. hahaha.. i don't know i want to pray typhoon or not :p
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2012
hahaha.. how r u? what r u doing now?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2012
waw.. hhahaha..
you can try to learn hard and win it. :p
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2012
Graduation? Congrats then :D
So you are going to university?
You join the competition? Hahahaha..
inactive user
GED is General Education Development. its a series of five tests that someone takes to test them on Writing, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. most people who take the GED are those who dropped out of high school and want to still finish school without having to go through the years of extensive learning.
when someone passes the GED, they are said to have American high school academic skills.

do they have any programs similar to that in Taiwain?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2012
Not really good. :p
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