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Tarrah, 57 y.o.
Berlin, Germany [Current City]
Regensburg, Germany [Hometown]

Looking for


Graduate degree


product owner

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 1 month ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13
13 Jan 25 , 20:58 CET
Hello dear
Greetings and best wishes from Italy
Seasons wishes for a great new year ahead
I am Benji living and working in Naples
Happy to meet you here
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8
product owner...
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2013
I guess in being gone you have moved on and found better things to do, in person. Congratulations!
inactive user
Oh, I really would like to tell you some joke, unfortunately my English is too poor . I know by experience that Poles and Germans like to make fun of each other. haha Isn't it so? =)
Oh, your grandparents. O,yes.. the war changed the life of Poles and some Germans. Were they Poles ? Are you visiting their grave in Poland? Sorry.. I don't want to be nosey . Maybe I am sometimes too open person
inactive user
Hm.. let me think
I know no Polish joke that could to make a German girl laugh haha , but I can tell you I have visited Berlin twice. You live in the beautiful
city =)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2012
Please write an
- interesting joke
- philosophical comment
- question?
I will try to answer ...
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