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Somebody, 109 y.o.
Moscow, Russia [Current City & Hometown]


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Joined 2 years ago, profile updated 2 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2022
Bravo!!! Unfortunately, most people in Western Europe and the US have lost the ability to think critically. They only read the headlines and take everything at face value. And those who understand what is happening in the world are afraid to express their point of view. It seems that Russia is the freest country now.
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2022
Is «Our shame» that 30 millions of Russians were violently killed by German Nazis that Frenchmen, Englishmen, Czech, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Russians, Americans and many other nations could live, and not only to live but to live in peace? When England supported Hitler as a force agaist USSR until he became dangerous for England itself? And even when he became dangerous, England and France declared war and did nothing besides standing by the line of borders (What was later called a «Strange war»). Is this our shame? My great‐grandfather fought in the Baltic sea and died for our motherland. My great‐grandmother was in blocked Leningrad dying from hunger. Is this our shame? Or that German invaders poisoned us like some rats in the Attack of Dead Men in 1915? Our shame is that we gave freedom, life and independence to all of you after everything what your countries did with us? Is this our shame? Is our shame that we endured the atrocities of Polish and Tatar‐Mongol invaders and after all we won the invaders alone? Or the atrocities of French invaders when we burned Moscow that Napoleon would not get it? When our army won the the forces of all the Europe united under Napoleon’s flags? Or probably when we fought against Turkey that Bulgarians could live without genocide? Our army included 6000 of Russians and 7500 of Bulgarians against 30000 of Turkish, and we won in the mountain Shipka! Our shame is that, we won Japaneses in 1939 in Khalkin Gol when they wanted to invade Mongolia? Our shame is that we came to help Russians in Ukraine which has been bombing them for 8 years already, killing children, destroying cities and towns and shouting «Glory to Ukraine»? Is this our shame? No, so‐called «Friends», it is not our shame – it is our glory! I am proud that I am Russian, a descendant of the liberator warriors, and nobody will ever change it – neither Biden, nor Zelensky, nor Sholtz, nor like them
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2022
Der heimlichen Aufmarsch gegen die Sowjetunion

Es geht durch die Welt ein Geflüster.
Arbeiter, hörst du es nicht?
Das sind die Stimmen der Kriegsminister.
Arbeiter, hörst du es nicht?
Es flüstern die Kohle- und Stahlproduzenten,
es flüstert die chemische Kriegsproduktion,
es flüstert von allen Kontinenten:
Mobilmachung gegen die Sowjetunion!

Arbeiter, Bauern, nehmt die Gewehre,
nehmt die Gewehre zur Hand!
Zerstampft die faschistischen Räuberheere!
Setzt alle Länder in Brand!
Pflanzt eure roten Fahnen des Sieges
auf jede Schanze, auf jede Fabrik!
Dann blüht aus den Asche des letzten Gesellschaft
die sozialistische Weltrepublik!

Es rollen die Züge Nacht für Nacht:
Maschinengewehre für Polen!
Für China deutsche Gewehre 08,
für Finnland Armeepistolen!
Schrapnells für die Tschechoslowakei!
Fur Rumänien Gasgranaten!
Sie rollen von allen Seiten herbei
gegen die roten Soldaten!

Arbeiter, Bauern, nehmt die Gewehre,
nehmt die Gewehre zur Hand!
Zerstampft die faschistischen Räuberheere!
Setzt alle Länder in Brand!
Pflanzt eure roten Fahnen des Sieges
auf jede Schanze, auf jede Fabrik!
Dann blüht aus den Asche des letzten Gesellschaft
die sozialistische Weltrepublik!

Arbeiter, horch, sie ziehen ins Feld,
und schreien: "Für Nation und Rasse!"
Das ist der Krieg der Herrscher der Welt
gegen die Arbeiterklasse!
Der Aufmarsch gegen die Sowjetunion
ist der Stoß ins Herz der Revolution!
Der Krieg, der jetzt vor der Türe steht,
das ist der Krieg gegen dich, Prolet!

Arbeiter, Bauern, nehmt die Gewehre,
nehmt die Gewehre zur Hand!
Zerstampft die faschistischen Räuberheere!
Setzt alle Länder in Brand!
Pflanzt eure roten Fahnen des Sieges
auf jede Schanze, auf jede Fabrik!
Dann blüht aus den Asche des letzten Krieges
die sozialistische Weltrepublik!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2022
People that want to know truth, I have created an channel in Discord where I am going to send the information about the war so you could know what is happening. So I ask you to join it if you want to know the situation there:

Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2022
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2022
They have hit Donbas again and blamed us, the same as always, so American and European leaders do

We are not there to kill. We are there to save them and make them free. Please, do not let your leaders start the Third World War. If it begins, everyone will die. Do not let them kill

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