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Bernat, 32 y.o.
Viladecans, Spain [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 31.
inactive user
Heheh llavors si vols fer un té/cocacola o així, ja saps :)
inactive user
Jajaja no tinc res contra la gent que no beu :D
inactive user
Gràcies! Si et vé de gust podem anar a fer una birra :)
inactive user
He viscut un any a Barcelona, és una ciutat molt maca, al juny hi tornarè a veure als meus amics :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2015
Awesome editorials.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2014
Hey ! I don't think your English ( at least the written one :P is that bad )... and I am pretty sure you can pass yourself as an Irish or a Scot with that hair !!
inactive user
Me gusta tu pelo... muy bonito..
inactive user
What are some tips to grow longer hair? Hahaha
inactive user
Oh and I can't forget that magnificent beard haha

I want to grow my hair and see how it will look
inactive user
Your hair is beautiful HAHAHAH
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