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Julie T, 44 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 2 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 59.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2016
Oh really? Did you study linguistics too, mbak? Yes me too. Oh my Go, Forensic Linguistics is so hard I think. I'd never known about it before. However I've heard about this one, and I think it's very hard.

Wowww! What an outstanding person you are! :) I also teach English occasionally in courses and privately.

Honestly I don't really like reading novel. However, I read some Sherlock Holmes series. I can also say Sherlock Holmes novels are some i'm interested to read. :D I bet I've ever heard about those novels. As far as I remember my friends read both of them. What do the novels tell about?
inactive user
Waah belum membaca buku ibu Kartini itu. Dulu ya banyak sekaaali membaca novel Indonesia dari Siti Nurbaya sampai Ayu Utami.

KITLV sudah dibubarkan mbak. Koleksi bukunya tentang Indonesia dititip di perpustakaan universitas leiden. Memang koleksinya luar biasa. Juga ada banyak manuskrip basa jawa kuno..........tapi di mana orang Indonesia yang mau mempelajari harta karun ini???? Kebetulan panglima baru saja pinjam dua buku pelajaran basa jawa disana :))
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2016
I will! I'm interested in Semiotics too. I just have known the general theory at all. Going to figure out more about Saussure, Pierce and Barthes, of course. Nice to meet you too, Mbak Julie! What are you up to?
inactive user
Makasih pesannya ya mbak Julie. Panglima belum membaca karya Eka Kurniawan, padahal buku " Cantik itu luka " sudah diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Belanda. Biasanya kalau berlibur ke Indonesia saya mampir di Gramedia dan beli beberapa karya sastra Indonesia. Sayangnya koleksi di Gramedia selalu terbatas sekaii :(( Kalau novel mbak Julie sudah rampung, panglima pasti akan membacanya! ;))
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2011
Ketularan elu lah hahaa, makanya gw cb lwt bb wkkwkk
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2011
Knp emang??dsitu munculnye ol apa ga?
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2011
Iyee pake bb...wkwkkk, gi d jln mau k klien
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2011
sdh japri yaa...
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2011
wow...asik bget bs nulis novel :)
pasti aku tengok

ada rencana jln kmn lg nii?
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2011
Thank you for writing me and i am sorry i should say hi to you when i visited your profile ... Take care

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